Get Involved


Lighthouse Outreach Center has high hopes for future programs to serve the residents of Pinellas County. Will you help our center grow to address the specific mental health needs of our youth, neighbors, and families?

Our first funds drive will support individual and group counseling for at risk youth & Domestic Violence Survivors Group. Together, we can raise the $20,000 required to launch this program for the 2021/2022 year. All donations are greatly appreciated!

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Donation Total: $25


In-Kind Donations

Help Lighthouse Outreach Centre as we prepare to begin programming! Donate an item from our Amazon Wishlist (coming soon) or make an in-kind donation of program or office supplies to limit the number of items we need to purchase. Every donation helps us on our way! More information coming soon!

Volunteer your time!

If you are interested in supporting our efforts by making an in-kind donation of professional services (graphic design, website development, fundraising, mental health counseling, etc.) or if you are interested in volunteering at the Center when it opens, we would love to talk to you! Please email us at